Friday, April 29, 2011

Since the war on drugs began in the 80's, the knowledge that the British Govt, US and others have been the largest transporters of Drugs in the World was always seen as ridiculous. The worst part is after our government gets the big dollars which are used for Black projects and Hidden government programs, our police are then paid by tax payer money to arrest non violent criminals, put them into a court system paid by taxes that now put into prison mom's, dads and or create records on people that other wise may never have had access to the drugs had the government not allowed them to be delivered into the US. The rise in drug use is then voted on by ignorant people and additional programs like DARE and others are created using more TAX dollars which create lists of young Americans that are later in life targeted putting more Americans in jeopardy of losing their livelihood because of Government sponsored Drug programs. The control of the Drug industry goes back to the 1700's when Britain controlled most of the worlds Drugs and even fought a war against China for control and distribution of Heroin. The American Soldiers in Afghanistan were even filmed this past year protecting fields of Poppy's and the excuse was so the farmers did not lose their livelihood. So now it is good to protect Drugs? The Taliban in 1999 had outlawed the growing of Poppy's and by 2001 had pretty much destroyed the industry which the American would re-build after taking over the country. Why is this not an issue? Iran Contra had to do with weapons and Drugs by Bush 1 and continuity of Government. The money from illegal drug sales and weapons to Iran even after they had captured our people was to fight Iraq who we supported at the time but secretly to fund the US plan to create a back up plan for a future need to protect the American Government because of a coming break downs in our global systems as planned for in the 70's and 80's around the year 2009 - 2013, sound familiar.
 By the year 1999 it became necessary to find Trillions of Dollars because the need for better continuity of Government was noted and the end to Glass Steigle was done to open up the gates for International and American Corporations by printing of Money knowing that this would destroy the economy. Knowing this would happen the economy would heat up, greed would take over from common sense money management and it would not longer matter and in the mean time our gov., for the protection of the American people would begin putting presidential orders in place essentially stripping the congress of power, new laws in place on how the American Government would look after the changes came when the people would be too weak to fight and the government too strong to oppose.

The wars were created worldwide with the governments opposing the US and its financial or social policy's will eventually become secure assets around the world after either a war or major economic collapses once again take place.  The removal of any dictator that would be a future problem is underway. The end to sovereign states and country's is well underway. The US government has no worry's about control and has had no problem selling to the American people many stories and lines that take attention away from true issues and controlling the message even when everyone can see if they look.   The obvious creation of a security system around our cities in the US is obvious and the intentional breakdown and social change of the economy without concern from the Media is just ridiculous. We have ended the shuttle and closed down hundreds of satellites at the most needed time in history..

The Arab world is being heated up so that they destroy themselves and that will cause Russia and China to eventually defend the territory's close to them that the US and Europe are moving towards day, by day. To Avoid WW3, China and Russia are going to have to let basically every investment they have made in smaller countries go and last but not least, why has china been building huge cities with no people in them? Why would any country look into the future, build cities large enough to have a million people and leave them empty? That question should be answered not just looked at like, oh how stupid are the Chinese people to build huge cities for no one. That country has 1.3 billion people in it... If those cities were planned for their people, they would have let them move into those cities.. Who are these cities for?  One answer has been they are ready to have a second removal of their people from the country side and forced into cities but again, no good answers are given.

The New MERS virus has killed 80% of those who get the full illness and it is in the heart of the middle east just in time for Ramadan and then the pilgrimage in two months making September and October as a possible explosion of this new lung illness that passes from human to human.  These months will follow millions of Muslims who will travel to Saudi Arabia and then home again beginning in July and again in September possibly spreading this to every country in the world.

The power of people through free market principals worked until the Central Bank started in 1913 with a plan to take over in 100 years, what a coincidence it all coincides with 2013. Too many coincidences...

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