Thursday, July 30, 2009

European Space Agency and NASA - Who is the credible space program?

Since the beginning of 2005, thousands of researchers have questioned the pictures found on the European Space Agency web site depicting a city, yes thats right a city! This city has old and new construction it appears as well as industrial areas, a water treatment plant and strange looking objects that could be art or some type of vehicle. Elsewhere on Mars using the excellent zoom capability from the web site, incredible pictures are found all over mars but this particular city is so complete and spread out that it can't be ignored but, it is! Even when you get the site picture to UFO people nothing comes of it. They do not say it has ever been proven fake, it looks very much like what has been described by Zacharia Sitchin as MARS being a way station for the Annunaki and ever since the Russians were pushed away from Mars and pictures about the approach to Phobose had problems because of an object coming up from the surface of Mars, I thought looking could not hurt. Finding something small I though possible but anyone that questions that these buildings are not on the site are blind, ignorant or are being paid to block information pertaining to Mars and Hale Crater. The site is fabulous and the pictures are fabulous. The NASA photo's are airbrushed out of Hale Crater and we have a problem, either ESA is falsifying pictures of Mars or they have lied about not having found anything on Mars. ESA has not been quite as deceiptful as NASA because they have announced the finding of water and other things as well as possible trees and things. If you want to enjoy some really good research as I have, spend the time downloading page 35 of mars photo's pictures. Download western perspective view and slowly zoom in, slowly use your contrast and dark options and if you take the time necessary to find the detailed pictures I am posting here, it will blow you away. I have spent the past 11 years now writing and researching government, history and energy conservation projects after battling Cancer and finding these pictures was not an interest of mine until I found the first object. Good luck, I will be posting other findings elsewhere soon. Thank you.


  1. hi, i'm italian, and i'm ablogger too. i write about anything interesting about ufo & strange similar, but always giving also a scientific/skeptic way of thinking, when there is one apprciable. about the hale crater we tolked about a lot and for me it is sure that there is no ancient city, also because there are many other images of it without any ruins. if you like i'll search the files, also if it's a problem. but i'm pretty sure..
    i'll be happy if we'll mantain a contact, also to exchange infos.
    see you

  2. Humanity in it's wholeness is far not ready for an encounter with past or actual lifeforms from elsewhere than earth, since it can't handle the truth and it's implications. Hence, people should simply trust their governments. They have the oversight and the wisdom to do the right things for their people. Of course, everybody has the right to disagree with this point of view. However, ordinary people can't change anything, since all decisions are made according to the law. A full disclosure is ongoing, but it will take us a couple of centuries upon completion - in the best case.
    So simple is that.
